Thursday, January 8, 2009

Allie's Random Life..

I looked up the word Random in the dictionary.  I love Webster's. I have an old tattered copy of the Webster's Seventh New Collegiate edition, copyright 1970, I keep it handy at all times, It's been with me for about 16 years.  It's far better than the computer.  Sort of comforting, like an old blanket. The world random means: (according to Webster's): lacking a definite plan, purpose, or patternBasically the story of my life...  Oh of course we all have an idea of what our lives should look like, and a purpose, but what we are so often given doesn't seem to match exactly... Which is not bad at all.  I sort of look forward to the random places I know are ahead of me, of course with all with wisdom I've gained from the past...  

As you all know I was in a horrible auto accident when I was seventeen...  The day my life changed direction forever I guess you could say.  I would call that accident random for sure.. but for all I've been through I can not say that I'm sad the accident happened... I believe we are stronger and better people for the trials we've survived.  Usually anyway..

Lacking a definite plan.... yep that' s pretty much it..  My life in a nut shell.  Something new nearly every day.. This blog I think is my way to cope and write the soap opera that is my life. Read or don't read, either way, the junk will be here.

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