Jesse and Gage were so cute yesterday I just have to post about it.
We go to church near our house, actually it's quite far away from our home considering that Newberg has the most churches per capita in Oregon, I've actually heard the whole west coast, but I'm not sure if I believe that... We could attend church right in our own back yard practially, but instead we drive about 30 min.... I guess it's a small price to find a church that suits us..
The boys sang in the choir yesterday for Resurection Sunday service. They were so proud of themselves. As Gage put it.... they, "sang their little hearts out". They had been practicing at church for about 6 weeks, and at home and the car too. Saturday they had a final practice in the morning which was followed by a pizza party and root beer floats, then they got all dressed up Saturday night for the evening service (followed by ice cream sundaes).... rushed to bed just to start over first thing Sunday morning for two services. They loved it and didn't get a bit tired of performing 3 different times. Both the boys saw me crying and, I must say, felt quite good about themselves for making me shed tears... I am so proud of them I could just burst!!
Okay, so it's not the best video, but enjoy anyway...
I love Easter! Tom's mom bought decorating stuff just for me, so I got to decorate eggs yesterday! The boys look so handsome in their Easter outfits.